Put God First
Then, I flipped my daily calendar over one day. The scripture was a paraphrase of Proverbs 3:6. It said:”In everything you do Put God First and He will direct and crown your efforts with success.” Through this scripture God affirmed His Calling on my life and gave me peace in singing gospel music!
More importantly, God helped me realize He wants the most intimate relationship possible with me! In order to accomplish that, He must be in complete control of my life. That means, I must totally surrender myself to Jesus Christ! As the verse says; “In everything you do Put God First”. That is what I have strived to do since then.
I wrote the song “Put God First” in 2002, the 2nd song I ever wrote, and recorded it in 2004. That’s how “Putting God First Ministry” was born. It has helped to keep my focus on Jesus, through the years.
Last year, I completed my current CD project with Godsey & Associates called: “Still Putting God First”. It includes “Put God First” updated in the Christian Country style. I wanted to reintroduce this much needed message from God’s Word!
God is truly blessing my ‘Efforts’ with success in sharing the Love of Jesus Christ! I just want to pass it on and encourage others to; “Put God First” in everything they do! Then, God will bless their lives as well!!
The Positive Cowboy – Jim Sheldon
Putting God First Ministry