Watch Your Step – Phil Enloe
Hey, ever have someone say to you, “OH MY! You’ve really STEPPED INTO IT THIS TIME!” Well, I guess we step into a lot of things in this life; like GUM, a MUD PUDDLE, a NAIL, an OIL SLICK, something a thoughless ANIMAL left behind and ESPECIALLY – we’ve all STEPPED INTO“TROUBLE!” at one time or another. It’s Pastor Phil of Harvest Chapel with a GOOD WORD fromGOD’S WORD today.
A sign we’ve all seen through the years is “WATCH YOUR STEP” and that certainly should apply to more than just a precausion to not stumble and fall, but it should be a warning with each step we take in life. Because every step we take, TAKES US SOMEWHERE and sometimes it’s not where we wanted to go, especially when we’ve not been IN STEP with GOD.
God’s Word is saturated with instructions about WATCHING our STEPS. King David said, “My STEPS have held to Your paths and my feet have NOT SLIPPED.” And, my favorite Psalm is Chapter 37 verse 23 that says, “The STEPS of a RIGHTEOUS PERSON are ORDERED by the Lord and He delights in his way.”
So, WATCH YOUR STEP TODAY and know that EVERY STEP you take will be GUIDED by the Almighty God.
It’s Pastor Phil, remembering what Neil Armstrong said when he touched down on the Moon, “That’s one SMALL STEP for man,” and you’ve taken a BIG STEP with the Lord with this “GOOD WORD FROM GOD’S WORD TODAY”. God bless.