The Resolution Solution – Dr. Tim Hill
Make them. Break Them.
Plan them. Can Them.
Speak them. Tweak Them.
Adopt Them. Drop Them.
That’s the way it typically goes with New Year’s Resolutions.
Lose Weight. Get more exercise. Drive slower. Be friendlier. Listen More. Talk Less. On and on the New Years Resolutions continue to accumulate only to be forsaken by mid-January.
Someone once asked the question, “What’s behind these New Years Resolutions?” Someone else answered, “About 20 pounds.”
Certainly our intentions are good and noble when New Year Resolutions are made but sadly our “resolve” just can’t keep pace. Too many things keep getting in the way. Things like appetites and attitude, anger and anxiety, impatience and impulse, compromise and convenience, temptation and temper. These things and more can be roadblocks to achieving your resolution goals.
So what should one do?
As Christians, we should turn to the Word of God for daily guidance and not just at the beginning of a new year. The Apostle Paul gave the best direction in Colossians 3. Look at the first few verses:
1. If ye then are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sits at the right hand of God.
2. Set your affections on things above, not on things on earth.
3. For you are dead and your life is hid in God.
In verse 10, Paul said, “Put on the new man, which is renewed in the knowledge of him that created him.”
The truth is, I can’t make myself be good. I can’t make myself be temperate. I can’t make myself be “anything.” However, Christ in me can do all things and I can do all things through Him because he is my strength. Phil 4:13
So I think I’ll just be resolute to allow Jesus to resolve all my resolution issues by making him Lord on January 1st and the next 364 days after that. As a matter of fact, I believe I’ll just make this an eternal commitment to make him Lord of my life.