In Conversation with Jaquita Lindsey
This month, I sat down with Jaquita Lindsey of 11th Hour. Here’s what she had to say…
Victoria Bowlin: Where are you from, and how old were you when you started singing?
Jaquita Lindsey: I’m from Camden, AR. I started singing at the age of 8.
VB: Tell us a little bit about yourself?
JL: While I enjoy music, I’ve been a licensed cosmetologist for 18 years. In my free time, I enjoy painting furniture and being crafty.
VB: When did you join 11th Hour?
JL: I joined the group in January of 2014.
VB: Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
JL: The biggest influence would have to be Libbi Stuffle. I grew up loving the Perrys as well as the Isaacs, Karen Peck and New River, Kingsmen and Gold City.
VB: What is one of the coolest things you’ve ever gotten to do or be a part of?
JL: I was invited to a fundraiser for The Bridge Ministry a couple of years ago. Singer/songwriter/pianist Jonathan Cain of Journey was one of the guests. At the end, several of us sang “Don’t Stop Believing” with him.
VB: When did you come into a real relationship with Jesus?
JL: Around the age of 28, I came to realize that a lot of my “routine” was just that; routine Christianity. I made a point to get real with Jesus.
VB: What is your most asked question from fans on the road? What is your response?
JL: I get asked constantly if I am Logan’s mom or if I’m Amber’s sister. I laugh and tell them I feel like I’m the whole crew’s mother, but no.
VB: Do you have a favorite funny road story?
JL: Anything involving Logan is funny!
VB: I know that to be a fact HA! Do you feel like God has been teaching you anything lately?
JL: Consistency. In a world where people use any excuse to not have a consistent relationship with God, I need to not allow my flesh to lead me to be inconsistent.
VB: Have you ever written any songs?
JL: Yes, several.
VB: Can we expect anything new from 11th Hour coming out soon? How can people find their schedule and come see you Live?
JL: We don’t have anything new on the horizon. Our last project, A Lot With A Little, was released in September of 2019, so it’s still fairly new. Our website is, and we have a schedule listed.