Childress Family

From The Inside Out

The Childress Family
The Childress Family

  Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

We have all made our New Year’s resolutions which might include dieting, smoking cessation, reducing our debt, more exercise and the list goes on. Most of our resolutions are for our outer man-to make us look better, feel better, our bank account fuller or our life happier. We strive to turn over a new leaf. None of these are bad and God doesn’t mind for us to set goals for ourselves in order to lead healthier and more productive lives, but to take care of the outer man and neglect the inner person is foolish.

What we need is the change God makes in the soul-not a new “leaf” but a new “life.” God’s Holy Spirit works from the inside out and when we are saved, the transforming power of the Holy Spirit comes to reside in us. We must, however, be in submission to His Spirit when He speaks to us about things we need to change in our life. This is the thirst we should have for Him and His presence mentioned in Psalm 42:1. It is a daily process and a lifelong one too.

You don’t draw near to the will and work of the Lord by a casual relationship with Him. Too many of us go to church when we feel like it, pray when we think about it, read the Bible when we want to, walk close to the Lord when we need something, but we will experience few victories by this passive kind of worship.

During Bible Study, our pastor said that we must actively pursue a closer walk and relationship with the Lord. He gives us the brush, paint and easel, but how the picture turns out is up to us. Passive Christianity will not produce success in making you that victorious and overcoming Christian that God wants you to be.

Our New Year’s resolutions will only be resolutions without results if we don’t pant after their success with a thirst and a hunger to success. The same goes for our walk with Christ and its success being the masterpiece that He wants us to be.

Childress Family

Ken and Marlene Childress began singing with their children, Teresa, Carla and Shannon, almost 40 years ago. Ken had been singing with a quartet called The Golden Keys. But when he and Marlene discovered that their children were blessed with the ability to sing harmony and play instruments at a young age, they decided to form The Childress Family. Teresa played the piano and a short time later, Carla picked up the bass guitar and began to play. Their son, Shannon, was a high tenor singer until about age 13, when his voice went to the other end of the spectrum and he sang low bass. Marlene has been blessed with the ability to write some wonderful songs that have been recorded by numerous artists in the gospel music industry.
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