
Church Socks – Bryan Hutson

Baritone for Soul'd Out QT
Baritone for Soul’d Out QT

Recently,  I was getting ready to  sing and grabbed my black dress socks. I put them on and realized I had a hole near my big toe. You know “The Captain” of the toes. Yvonne tells me that my big toe looks like “Fred Flintstone’s Big Toe”. Yes, I have to admit, it does. There it was, sticking out of my sock.

It reminded me of one of my Dad’s favorite jokes; “I have my “Church Socks” on, because they are HOLY.” A bad joke huh?

I wore that sock all night and when I finished, I made a mental note to buy a new pair of black socks when the bus went to Walmarks. (Yeah, I call it Walmarks.)
We made a Walmarks run that night however I FORGOT to get a new pair of socks!
The next night, I put that sock on again, and there it was the hole again.

I wore the socks and just the guys on the bus KNEW that inside my shoe, my “Fred Flintstone Toe” was sticking out of a huge hole in my sock. I almost had to call the “Toe-truck.” Ok- another bad joke.

See, up to that point, the other members of Soul’d Out didn’t know, and to the people at the concert, I looked fine.
But, I KNEW the truth.

How many times do we try to hide things from the people around us? We seem fine. We go about our daily life; work, with family, church and we believe NO ONE is the wiser.
For some of us, it’s easy.

Some hide pain. We have (what seems to be) a hole in our heart from past or a current hurt. We live life with “our shoes on.” Where no can see it. We know it’s there, maybe even a good friend knows it’s there. My Mom used to patch the knees of the jeans that me and my brother; Jim wore to school. If we put a temporary patch on a tear in our clothing, it will be just that; temporary. That is the same way with our heart. We must allow God to permanently repair that hole.

Some hide resentment and anger. We harbor bitterness toward someone who hurt us or someone we love.

Luke 17:4
Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.”

Some hide sin. We have a hidden sin that no one knows about. Well, at least that is what we believe. We know about it and God KNOWS as well. We will go to great lengths to keep it “under wraps.” Just like the hole in my sock, it irritated me so bad, that it made it uncomfortable. So it will eventually come out. If we are God’s child, He will speak to us about it, many times trying to get our attention so that WE can “remove the sock.”
I would rather ME remove it, because I have had God “remove my shoe” so that the sock with the hole could be exposed.
That is NOT what you want. Trust ME, you don’t want that.

1 Timothy 5:24 (The Message)
The sins of some people are blatant and march them right into court. The sins of others don’t show up until much later. The same with good deeds. Some you see right off, but none are hidden forever.

Why does God want us free from all those hidden things? Because He wants is to live a victorious life through His Son Jesus. We can’t be victorious if we are a victim. That is a victim to pain, resentment, anger and hidden sin.

Confess that which is hidden and ask God to forgive you, SHARE that hurt/sin with a same sex friend or your spouse. If it is sin, ask them to help keep you accountable. If it is hurt/pain consider christian counseling. We must allow the Holy Spirit full control of that situation.

James 1:18
He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.

We are God’s children and He wants us to be encouraged!

Galatians 5:1
[ The Life of Freedom ] Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.

Remove those socks and put on a brand new pair!



Absolutely Gospel Music

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