
A Brick Wall – Phil Enloe

Phil Enloe Pastor, Singer, Songwriter
Phil Enloe
Pastor, Singer, Songwriter

Have you ever run into a BRICK WALL? Oh, I don’t mean a brick wall, LITERALLY, but it’s the best way to describe being STOPPED DEAD in your tracks and there’s just NO WAY to get AROUND a problem, THROUGH it or OVER it. It’s Pastor Phil of Harvest Chapel with a GOOD WORD from GOD’S WORD today.

I suppose everyone has experienced a HEAD ON COLLISION with a EMPASSABLE PROBLEM of at one time or another. Well, if it hasn’t happened yet, BRACE YOURSELF and HANG ON for dear life, because it’s coming and you’re gonna need to know what to do.

 Well, according to the Bible the GREATEST BRICK WALL that God’s people faced was JERICHO. I’m sure you know the story, when God not only ASSURED Joshua that Jericho would be defeated, but He gave him the STRATEGY for VICTORY. Joshua 6 chapter says, “When God’s people obeyed God’s instructions (No matter how crazy it seemed) the WALL of that city FELL FLAT.” They didn’t need to to OVER it, AROUND it or THROUGH it, because God TORE IT DOWN.

So, if you hit A BRICK WALL TODAY, put your CONFIDENCE in God, DO what He says and SHOUT His PRAISES for NO WALL can stand against our God.

 It’s Pastor Phil saying, “TEAR DOWN THAT BRICK WALL” with this “GOOD WORD FROM GOD’S WORD TODAY” God bless.

Absolutely Gospel Music

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