
HIGHROAD’s Somewhere I’m Going Now Available On iTunes and Other Online Outlets

highroadcoversigNashville, Tennessee (October 28, 2016)  AGM Award-winning country-bluegrass hybrid group HIGHROAD is pleased to announce the group’s newest recording, Somewhere I’m Going, is officially available on iTunes and other major online outlets.

Sarah Davison, group keyboardist and vocalist stated, “Our goal is to make Christ known and to shed light in a dark world, so we are incredibly happy to offer our music now online, on iTunes, Amazon, and YouTube. We hope folks will enjoy it and share it with others.”

Somewhere I’m Going, features favorite Gospel classics, including “Sweet By And By”, “Till The Storm Passes By”, “Squirrel Hunter”, and “I’d Rather Have Jesus”, as well as many songs written by group members Sarah Davison, Kinsey Kapfhammer, and Kristen Bearfield.

Somewhere I’m Going officially released this month on HIGHROAD’s online store where you can order this new project as well as previously released CDs and other products the popular group carries.

View their iTunes Artist Page where you will find downloads to several of their latest recordings.

If you would like to interview HIGHROAD contact AG Publicity at

You can learn more about HIGHROAD by going to

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Absolutely Gospel Music

Absolutely Gospel Music is owned and operated by Bev McCann and the Nashville 37201 Media Group.
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