
The Camera Is Rolling – Bryan Hutson

Sometimes it takes me a long time to learn lessons.

This past week, I learned a hard lesson.

Yvonne has worked in retail for nearly 25 years. She told me that as part of the Training process of every chain retail store is to make the new employees aware of security cameras that are placed in the Stores. Yes, those cameras are placed there to catch shoplifting customers but many employees are terminated or put on disciplinary action, due to theft..many times RIGHT IN VIEW of the security

What? Don’t they know that those cameras are watching them? Or do the employees get so used to their everyday activities that they simply forget that they’re being watched?

A couple of years ago, I posted a blog about my views on different types of Christian music and one reply caused me to re- think some things.

This person (whom I will call Bob) commented about my blog, but also
listed things that I had said on other Facebook sites.

Sorta “Big Brothering Me.”

He had been watching me from afar and I had forgotten the simple rule.
Be careful what you do and say because someone is watching.

One thing he mentioned, that I said on other Facebook page was taken
totally out of context, but he somehow read into what he WANTED it to say.

Yvonne reminded me that folks are watching our lives. My Dad always
told me that as well.

Who is watching you?

Do you actions and words always represent Christ in the best light?

See, good OR bad, we represent Jesus. If we act bad- then to our Lost family members or friends; Jesus is seen as bad.

If we can’t control our temper and we spout off obscenities, then
Jesus is seen as one who is not steady. He’s not holy, cause we’re

Just like those employees somehow forget that the “Camera’s Are
Rolling”, we too easily forget that our lives are being watched MORE
during the week than at church on Sunday.

1 Peter 2:21 “For to this you have been called, because Christ also
suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in
His steps.”

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so
that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is
in heaven.”

So friends, let’s be mindful that in this day and age when we are
surfing the internet and out and about, that people are watching.

Most importantly, God is watching. Let’s make Him proud.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for not representing YOU and your Son in
the best light. Cleanse me and forgive me I pray. In His Name, Amen.


Bryan Hutson

Bryan Hutson; 24 year veteran of southern gospel music now travels and ministers with his wife Yvonne in Rescue Me Ministries.
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