
Sisters – Sending a Reminder

Rachel Lynn: People are buzzing about the release of your brand-new album Here’s a Reminder. I love that title. To you, what is special about this album?
Heather Ruppe Bennett: This project is special because it’s a reminder that everything we need is found in Him. No matter what you are going through, there is a song on this album that will speak to your situation.

Rachel: What are each of your favorite songs on this record, and why?

Kim Ruppe Sheffield: My favorite song is, “He Forgave Me” because no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done before, there has never been a broken life that He could not restore.

Valerie Ruppe Medkiff: “Still I Will Praise You” – For me personally, this has been a season of pain and suffering. This song has reminded me that God is sovereign over all! Still we can trust Him! Still He is faithful! So, therefore, I will praise His name.

Heather Ruppe Bennett: “You Still Forgive” – He takes our brokenness, our regrets, our pain, and with His grace, HE forgives and redeems us! There is no greater love than this! “Everything You Need Is In The Blood” is another one! The title says it all!

Rachel: What was your vision as you selected songs for this album? What message did the Lord have on your heart to say?

The message of our heart is always to point people to Christ. We never have a specific theme in mind when we start the process of recording, but it seems like once we have chosen the songs, there’s an underlying theme that comes together at the end.  When we finished recording these songs, we realized that the message or theme of each song has a specific reminder.

Rachel: What are your favorite songs to sing in concert?

Heather: So far, “Everything You Need Is In The Blood,” “You Still Forgive,” and “Angels In The Room,” but, of course, as we sing them more and more, this could change!

Rachel: This year, you ladies had quite a WILD experience, with a massively followed YouTube influencer claiming credit for your arrangement of “The Star Spangled Banner.” You all handled the situation so graciously, I might add, as it brought quite the influx of attention to you and your music. Share with our readers a recap of your experience with that. How did it impact you when you realized the music of Sisters was now being discovered by a whole new group of people because of this?

Heather: It came to our attention through a friend, who saw a post on YouTube that our version of Star Spangled Banner was being used by a celebrity claiming it was his arrangement. Then, another popular YouTuber set the record straight that it was indeed our arrangement and gave us credit. And he actually posted us singing it.  He then posted a clip of us singing “Near The Cross,” sitting at Valerie’s table. The Lord really used the words of this old hymn to touch the hearts of many people, who would otherwise never have heard its message. We got many comments and new followers as a result of this whole “scandal,” as they were calling it. So many of the comments are, “I’m so glad I found your music!” Several people said it reminded them of their growing up in church years, and they now want to get back to GOD! There were many other touching comments like this! Wow, Thank you Lord!

Rachel: What would you say is Sisters’ mission statement?

Heather: Romans 8:28 – And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

Rachel: In October, you hosted a women’s event called, “Never Too Broken.” What did you see God do there?  

Heather: We had a wonderful time of praise and worship. We were able to debut several of our new songs. Our Mother ministered as only she can! We heard a fantastic message from Kathy Crabb Hannah. We saw an alter filled with women that needed to hear the message of hope and restoration and that we are never too broken to belong!

Rachel: What is your heart/prayer over women in this generation?

Heather: In this generation, our prayer is that women of God would come together in unity, in spirit and truth to pray for our children, our marriages and our homes. The enemy is working harder in these last days to steal, kill, and destroy. Our prayer is that women of God would stand together on the truth of God’s word and be a light in this dark desperate world.

Rachel: What advice would you give to other women seeking to be influential for the cause of Christ?

Heather: Always point people to the truth of God’s word!

Rachel: In the spirit of “reminders.” What is one thing each of you remind yourselves of every day?

Val: Like I said earlier, that God is sovereign over all!

Heather: I remind myself that God is working ALL things for my good and that the enemy is defeated!

Kim: God is faithful and everyday I must choose to trust His Word and His promises. I trust that HE is working all things for my good.

Rachel Lynn

Rachel Lynn Sancricca is a national speaker, singer, and songwriter, using her multi-faceted ministry to spread the joy of the Gospel of Jesus. Founder of the up-and-coming trio, Master's Promise, she has spent the past 6 years (and counting) traveling across the country on a mission to edify the Church, and lead souls to the cross through powerful worship and testimony. With numerous song cuts on nationally released albums, several of which hitting the Top 100 on Southern Gospel radio, the horizons of her songwriting continue to expand, as she gives glory to God for allowing the message of Hope in Jesus to spread through her music. Her prayer is that in every word spoken, every phrase written, and every song sung, the Name Above All Names would be clearly heard and lifted high, and all people would be drawn into a deeper, closer, richer relationship with this wonderful Jesus.
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