Hannah Sancricca
God gives many promises to us in His Word. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. He promises to make us new when we desire to be changed. God’s life-giving promises are at the heart of the Master’s Promise ministry, a sister duet from Michigan. Since first beginning their ministry in 2012, this group has gone through many changes and exciting times, but through it all, their desire to proclaim the promises of God in song remains the same. From trusting God to telling others about His love, Rachel and Hannah fully embrace their music calling. I am so glad I had the chance to interview 21-year-old Hannah Sancricca, and learn a little bit more about Master’s Promise.
Stacy Compagner: Tell us about the origination of Master’s Promise.
Hannah Sancricca: Master’s Promise is currently my sister and I as a duo, but we started as a female trio with a childhood friend. We were all in our teens when it got started and we would put together arrangements and sing in our local church almost every Sunday. What got us into traveling and sharing our ministry in other areas was a local tent revival we were asked to sing at. There were several other local church pastors in attendance, and after that, we started getting calls to go and sing at their churches. We were a little apprehensive at first to begin this journey, because we really had no idea what God had in store for us; but it turned out to be the best decision we could have made. We knew there was a calling on our lives and had to pursue it.
SC: What kind of changes has your group undergone over the years?
HS: We were a female trio for around six years, and then in 2018, we released a couple mixed trio albums, and now we are officially a sister duo.
SC: Have you gone to college?
HS: I am currently in college right now. I go to Berklee College of Music online, and I really enjoy it.
SC: How have you seen God at work in your ministry?
HS: God is the best encourager. I have seen Him change the lives of those we have been blessed with the opportunity to sing over as well as in the lives of Rachel and myself. He’s taught us what it really looks like to serve Him and hold the things He’s given us with open hands.
SC: What are your plans for the future? Do you plan on continuing to travel and perform, or do you have any other aspirations?
HS: We are just planning to follow the Lord, whatever that looks like. We plan on continuing to make music and travel, along with being active and serving in our local church.
SC: After looking at your own life, what advice do you have for the “next generation”?
HS: Do everything in your power to follow and fall in love with Jesus Christ. A relationship with Him takes time and effort just like any other relationship we have in this life. He is worth the work it takes to learn His heart and His character. Keep chasing after Him and never stop because I can tell you, He never stops chasing after you.
SC: Tell us about a favorite memory at a concert.
HS: Every year Masters Promise sings at a Christmas banquet our home church hosts, and last year we got to sing with the Booth Brothers at that event. They have been some of our heroes since Rachel and I were little, so it was so cool to get to share the stage with them.
SC: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
HS: I love to read, watch movies, and practice calligraphy.
SC: If you could have the voice/talent of anyone else in gospel music, whose would you have?
HS: I would love to be able to play the piano like Kim Collingsworth.
SC: Tell us something unique about yourself.
HS: I can peel the price tag stickers off of just about anything without leaving any residue behind.
SC: Describe yourself in three words.
HS: Funny, creative, strong (written by Rachel).
SC: Name three everyday things you could never live without.
HS: Pens, hair ties, and sweatshirts.
SC: What is playing in your CD player right now?
HS: “The Thrill of Hope” Christmas album by Christy Nockels
SC: What is your favorite song to sing?
HS: This is Just What Heaven Means to Me
SC: Favorite vacation spot?
HS: Disney World
SC: Favorite restaurant?
HS: Red Lobster
SC: Favorite TV show?
HS: Gilmore Girls