Devotional: Kelly Garner- “Trusting Through Trials”
Trust is a word that is often hard to understand.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “trust” as a noun that refers to “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” As a verb, “trust” means to “rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of “someone or something, or to “place confidence in” someone or something. It can also involve the act of granting authority or responsibility to someone based on confidence in their integrity or abilities.
According to google, trust involves having faith, confidence, and reliance on someone or something based on positive beliefs and experiences.
What does the Word say about “trust?” In Proverbs 3:5-6, it says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledgment Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
According to this passage, there are going to be times when we cannot lean on our own understanding and shouldn’t because we might make wrong choices or lead ourselves into trouble. Because of this, we have to remember that as believers, we can lay down our ability to understand and offer it unto the ability of Christ to lead his followers down the best path.
We sometimes think we have all the correct answers and know what is best. We don’t! We need to remember that through it all and especially in the midst of trials, we can lean on a God whose mind is infinite and all-knowing. Our minds are limited. His mind is limitless!
Often times, we find ourselves in the middle of a trial and we can’t seem to make a choice as to what is the right decision. Quite simply, all we “have” to do is relinquish control to God, lay our burdens at His feet, and wait on Him to give us direction. This very act is otherwise known as “trusting” Him. Putting our utmost faith in the fact that Christ Himself can make the decision of what path would be best for us.
I just faced a surgery that scared me and took me a year to decide to do it. It was a part of a series of two surgeries that can possibly cure me of epilepsy or at least improve it with less medication. I went through with it because I heard the Lord say, “trust.” I didn’t really know that I wasn’t trusting, but when I heard Him speak to me, I had to lay down my “unbelief” and trust. I am now through the first surgery and am waiting on the second one. The first surgery was very successful and now I have to continue to “trust” God through the second one. There is no telling what the outcome will be, but I know He has me in the palm of His hand.
Christ sees our entire lives from start to finish, even the worst, bad, and ugly. Yes, He sees the trials in our lives long before they even occur. Our job is to simply “trust” and let the outcome be left up to Him.
Written by Kelly Garner