Bev McCann

Note from Bev McCann

Bev McCann
Bev McCann

As I was getting dressed this morning I was listing to one of my Radio Stations and a song came on “ Amazing Love” I became overwhelmed with the Joy of the Lord and the thought of how busy I am at times and my heart just cried out “ Lord I love you with all my heart”! It is amazing what Christ did for us. I was reading a devotional earlier before rolling out of bed and it was talking about how Christ called God Abba, showing endearment to his father. Then as he was dying on the cross he called him “My God My God why has thou forsaken me”? …. Why because he took my sin and your sin upon himself so we could have a choice to serve him. When I think of how much Love that took… See God gave us his Son…. All the other gods of this world ask you to give yours……. Who do you choose today?

I have written many songs about heaven and the Love of God. I wish I could make people choose the right way to live or make them live their lives pleasing to God Almighty, however Jesus chose to give us a choice a free will, what are you going to do with that opportunity, your free will? Your eternity depends on your choice. God is loving, forgiving and longsuffering, but he is also a God of judgment. Heaven is real and Hell is just as real. God is real and the devil is real too…. You can only serve one master.

I serve a God. He is a Healer, a provider and a protector and a best friend….. the spirit of my God is so real in my life, my desire is that everyone I sing or minister too see’s Christ in me and that my family and children All come to know the joy of HIS (God’s) Salvation, that I have known and that their grandparents knew and now they see our loving savior face to face….

One day I know I will see my parents and grandparents again, when I step through those gates in to Heavens bliss…. What a Day that will be…. when we see our blessed Savior face to face the one who died on a cruel cross just so you could have the option to accept him or deny him. Wow… glad it wasn’t me make that choice… not sure if I would have gone through with it, knowing that many would deny me and reject me. God the Father Jesus his Son and the Holy Spirit… can’t and won’t and can’t live a day without them. Thank you Jesus for making the ultimate sacrifice me… I hope you will take a moment to say Thank you to the one who gave your life and every breath that you breathe possible. Isa: 53:5 ( he was pierced for our transgressions)

Much Love to you….


Absolutely Gospel Music

Absolutely Gospel Music is owned and operated by Bev McCann and the Nashville 37201 Media Group.
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