Choose God’s Path
Proverbs 3:6 says:” acknowledge Him in all you way and He will direct you path”
Many times we get caught up with trying to do great things for God. He will bless faithful service by winning lost people to Christ. He blesses whatever we willingly give to Him.
22 years ago I totally surrendered my entire life to Jesus Christ. I sacrificed, trained and took advantage of every opportunity to singing gospel music. Always seeking to stretch and grow the abilities God has given me. A lot of frustration, disappointment and many times wanting to quit where included.
Then over 5 years ago, I realized I was trying to do all this for God. That’s why the failures happened. Then God helped me understand; that God’s not about what we accomplish for Him. He wants the most intimate relationship, this side of Heaven, with us!
So, I took my hands off my life, my ministry and all my pursuits and turned it totally over to Jesus Christ! From that point on God’s been the driving force through the greater opportunities that have come.
“In everything you do put God first; He will direct and crown your efforts with Success.” Proverbs 3:6 (Living Bible Paraphrase)
Putting God First Ministry is not just a title or slogan. It’s my life’s work!
So, I “Choose God’s Path”, He will guide & bless your efforts
I pray for prosperity for all my Fellow Servants of Jesus Christ!
Putting God First Ministry
“The Positive Cowboy” Jim Sheldon