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“I Really Am Ok”

Thoughts From A Dusty Road: by Dusty Wells (October 2023)

Dusty Wells

It’s been a crazy busy last few months for me, of course, I know it’s the same for nearly all of us in all areas of work, family,  life, ministry, and all that we all are entrusted with and daily walking in.  Life is just busy…it really is.

I had been talking to a friend earlier today on the phone and I  was sharing some of my “busy” episodes of life as of late, and after both of us had been fairly detailed about our life and all.  They asked me sincerely and with a caring  heart, “Dusty, how are you really doing?”.

And I thought for a brief second…do they really want to know all that is in this wacky crazy brain of mine.   Do they really want to know what I am thinking.  Are they really interested in my questions, my struggles, the daily insecurities, my wins and victories, my losses, my prayers and concerns.  .   Do they really care about how LaVonne and my family are doing.  My mind jumped feverishly back and forth striving to think what answer I would give or did I really need to just say, “do you really care?”.

And all of a sudden I realized, and said it out loud quite boldly, “My friend, I’m really not doing bad…I’m ok.  I am doing ok”.  And once I spoke it out, I felt that gentle peace that only Jesus can bring, and I knew…it was all going to be ok.   He has me…He has you.   He knows and He cares.  Pretty simple and yet so profoundly true.

Dear friends, for the rest of our lives we are going to face and deal with all kinds of emotions.   We will walk thru good days, bad days, mediocre days…we will have failures and victories…we will have loss and gain…there will be overwhelming joy and deep sadness.   We will experience all types of wonderful mountain top discoveries and then there will be those deep dark valleys of unanswered questions, fear and doubt.   Each of us will have our own battles, struggles, garbage, junk and “stuff” we have to constantly deal with and we will have to face head on and hopefully we will make the choice to deal with it    We will make good choices and as much as I hate it, we will make some bad choices as well.  That’s life…that is what we all have to deal with daily.

Yup, that’s the journey of life and all it brings.   But in the midst of all of it…even as I write it out and think thru it all, I am even more so much aware of the beautiful and hopeful truth that is promised for each one of us.   The amazing news in all of this is, we have an amazing Savior who is constantly walking beside us, and always ready to pick us up and love us back to life.   Jesus is right there with us.   And I will say it over and over and over and over again. He knows.  He cares.  And He’s got us.   Nothing will change His always redeeming and unconditional love for us.

So yeah, I have all kinds of  different emotions, and thoughts of where I am at on my journey right now… I question and think way too much.  I have insecurities and fears, most likely just like the rest of you do at times.    But as I breathe in Jesus this morning, I know this to be true.   I’m ok.   I really am.
It’s gonna be fine.  I’m thankful and so glad He listens close and He gets me.   He sure does.  It really is ok!   It sure is.

I love you and there ain’t nothing you can do about it!


Dusty Wells

Dusty Wells is a man of many talents and multiple skills. From his speaking engagements across the country, to singing on a worship team at his home church in Nashville. From his select solo dates, to his daily writing. From a long-term career in the business side of the music industry, to listening and mentoring aspiring artists. He knows his greatest calling in life is to be an exceptional husband, father, and loyal friend to those he has been entrusted with. The list could go on and on. Dusty is a man who remains passionate and secure in the calling and destiny upon his life. He has come to realize the importance of finding purpose and clear direction for not only his life, but also the lives of those he comes in contact with, no matter what stage of life they may be in. Dusty’s book “Stories From A Dusty Road (Picking Up Pennies, Writing Down Life)” is scheduled for release January 2014.
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