
Do You Ever Talk To Yourself – Phil Enloe

Phil Enloe Pastor, Singer, Songwriter
Phil Enloe
Pastor, Singer, Songwriter

Hey, do you ever TALK to YOURSELF? I know, some people won’t admit it, but I think everyone, at one time or another, has a conversation with themselves. Oh, I don’t mean OUT LOUD where people think you’re crazy for something, but under your breath when you just need to verbalize your thoughts. It’s Pastor Phil of Harvest Chapel with a GOOD WORD fromGOD’S WORD today.

Look, there’re many reasons to TALK to YOURSELF, like trying to figure out a problem and there’s NO ONE AROUND to think it through with. And, somethings the most reasonable person you can find is YOURSELF, and if you can’t agreee with yourself, who can you agree with?
God has given us an amazing ability to communicate with OTHERS, with HIM and YES, even with OURSELF. But, don’t forget, WORDS are very POWERFUL. I’ve often said, “THINK ANYTHING you want, but DON’T SAY everything you THINK“. So, before you let your WORDS FLY from your lips TODAY, consider what effect they’re going to have onWHOEVER hears them.
Jesus said in Matthew 12:37By your WORDS you’ll be JUSTIFIED and by your WORDS you’ll be condemned.” So guard your WORDS TODAY. Be QUICK to HEAR and SLOWto SPEAK and you’ll never be sorry for that.
It’s Pastor Phil saying, PUTT’N a GOOD WORD in for you with this GOOD WORD FROM GOD’S WORD TODAY“. God bless.

Absolutely Gospel Music

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