

Dr. Tim Hill -Singer - Songwriter - Author - Director of Church of God World Missions
Dr. Tim Hill -Singer – Songwriter – Author – Director of Church of God World Missions

Four leprous men finally stood and balanced themselves upon their leprous limbs and began to do the only thing they knew—walk.

That was it; they just walked.

They walked in faith and hope. They moved with determination and expectancy. Motivated by the aroma of the bread, these four men soon found themselves marching as if to the steady cadence of a loud drum. However, in reality, their footsteps were hardly making any noise at all as they moved across the field toward the Syrian army. That was only in the natural and visible realm. But, in the invisible and spiritual realm, their footsteps were shaking the kingdom of darkness. According to God’s Word in 2 Kings 7:6, the four leprous men produced a sound similar to an approaching army.

For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, ‘Look, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us” (KJV).

By their own admission, the Syrians acknowledged that the steps of the eight feet of four lepers sounded like three invading armies coming against them. Upon hearing the sound of what seemed to be an overwhelming army, the enemy ran away, leaving behind the gold and silver. Most important, they left behind the bread and seed for another harvest.

Our Heavenly Father always adds volume to our acts of obedience. In this natural world, much of what we do in faith isn’t noticed at all, but be assured that invisible kingdoms are being impacted. There’s a sound to your gifts when they fall in the offering plates on Sunday mornings at church. There’s a sound louder than you realize in your faint midnight-hour petition to God. There’s a thunderous roar to your praise that pushes back against Satan’s forces. That’s why Joshua commanded the children of Israel to shout and blow trumpets at Jericho. That’s why Gideon commanded 300 men to shout and blow trumpets when attacking the Midianites. That’s why David wrote in Psalm 47:1, “O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with a voice of triumph” (KJV).

It’s the sound of faith!

Absolutely Gospel Music

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